Abbott on Texas heartbeat bill: 'In Texas, we will always lead the way to protect the unborn'

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Gov. Greg Abbott recently signed the Texas "heartbeat bill," banning abortions in the early stages of pregnancy.

Senate Bill 8 relates to abortion, including abortions after detection of an unborn child's heartbeat. The legislation was sponsored by 90 Republicans and a Democrat. 

"In Texas, we will always lead the way to protect the unborn," Abbott said.

The newly signed law would ban abortions after as early as six weeks. It also would allow any private citizen to file a lawsuit against abortion providers and others.

“The Texas Heartbeat Act is the strongest pro-life bill passed by the Legislature since Roe v. Wade,” Rebecca Parma, the organization’s senior legislative associate, told the Texas Tribune.

The governor has expressed his support for the measure during the early part of the 87th legislative session and had pledged to sign it into law.

Pro-choice lawmakers and advocates denounced the bill. 

“With their lack of power at the federal level, anti-choice lawmakers across the country are ramping up their attacks on reproductive freedom at the state level, and cruelty appears to be the point,” NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue told the Texas Tribune.

The bill would take effect toward the end of 2021 and bans abortions once the fetus has a heartbeat without any specific timeframe. It makes an exception for medical emergency abortions but doesn't say anything regarding rape or incest.

"For a person with a normal menstrual cycle, that is only two weeks after a missed period," Dyana Limon-Mercado, executive director of Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, said in a statement, the Texas Tribune reported. "When you factor in the time it takes to confirm a pregnancy, consider your options and make a decision, schedule an appointment and comply with all the restrictions politicians have already put in place for patients and providers, a six-week ban essentially bans abortion outright."