A Christmas interview: Santa's special mission

Santaclaus 2021
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The North Pole may be the busiest place in the world at this time of year. Beginning in December, Santa Claus and his elves kick into high gear to fill wishes from children all over the world. The Houston Daily got a rare interview to learn more about his operation, and about his urgent mission this year to help a special child.

HD: Thanks for letting us talk to you Santa Claus. You usually are very hard to find, so what’s different this year?

Santa Claus: The main thing is that many children were not in school part of the year because of the virus, and may be wondering if Christmas will even happen. Of course, nothing can stop Christmas, and nothing can stop me and my team from delivering presents on time. I want to make all kids everywhere know that I am still coming to their homes on Christmas Eve. So be prepared.

HD: You mean be sure to leave a light on?

Santa Claus: No, I mean be sure to leave me some cookies on a plate. And hopefully something really good to wash them down with—ask your parents what they like to drink late at night. Carrots for my reindeer is a good idea too.

HD: Do you read all of the letters children send you? What’s the best gift you will be giving children this year?

Santa Claus: Sure do. Or their parents tell me. Either way, my elves can build or find just about anything a kid could want. Of course, I handle the special requests that are hard to fill. Did I mention I like cookies on a plate?

HD: Yes, you said that.  

Santa Claus: And the chaser, I mentioned that too, right?

HD: Yes, we got that too. So what’s an example of a request that requires your personal attention?

Santa Claus: These always have to do with children who need something extra because they are not doing too well. This year, there is a child in Austin named Simon Croke who has a rare disease called Sanfilippo Syndrome.  No child survives this illness, so he needs critical research to be completed right away on medications that can help him. Simon is 5 years old and deserves to grow up like all of the other children I’ll visit this Christmas. That’s why I’ve made raising money for the research a top priority this year—and I need a lot of help!

HD: Hopefully you can count on everyone who reads this interview. How can we help?

Santa Claus: I’m glad you asked, because it’s super simple. The Croke family has a GoFundMe account to raise money for the research. And Simon’s story has been reported in the news. Every parent in Texas and beyond should consider donating just a little bit. Imagine how great it will feel to help save Simon—and all of the other children with this disease. I cannot think of a better present to give a child for Christmas. It’s also a great way to get off Santa’s naughty list.

HD: Really? Is it true that you know who has been naughty and who has been nice?

Santa Claus: Oh sure. I have a book with the names of everyone who has been naughty. Fortunately, I have an even bigger book of everyone who has been nice. My elves do most of the research on this. They used to have to interview neighbors, but nowadays the Internet makes the job easier. So we always have a pretty good idea.

HD: Can someone who is on the naughty list get on the nice list in time for Christmas? How do they do that?

Santa Claus: Yes, and the good news is that there is still time left before I load up the sleigh to start delivering toys. All a person has to do is be nice to someone every day until Christmas. That can undo anything bad they’ve done this year. Of course, I expect them to keep being nice to people after Christmas, because there is always next Christmas to worry about.

HD: Does that work for everyone?

Santa Claus: No. A few groups have to go through a different process; politicians, bank robbers, people like that. I don’t know why, but I like to make the politicians jump through a few extra hoops. It keeps us entertained at the North Pole during the summers.

HD: OK, so back to the Croke family—what more should readers know about Simon?

Santa Claus: He’s a lover—my favorite kind of person. He loves playing with his friends and spending time with his grandparents. He loves eating an ice cream cone every day, which is something we have in common for sure. He also loves running, and gets a thrill out of running across the bridges in his local park. Can you imagine how much joy this kid has in his heart for these to be his favorite things?

HD: He sounds like a super special child, so we are going to encourage every reader to help you raise money for Simon. 

Santa Claus: Wise move—that will put you on the Nice list too.

HD: Consider it done. What’s the best part of your job?

Santa Claus: Besides the free cookies?

HD: Right, other than free cookies. What keeps you going every Christmas?

Santa Claus: Love. I love Christmas, and kids and spreading happiness in the world. It’s not about the toys really. We can whip them out, no problem. But the elves and I are fueled every day by knowing we can bring happiness into the world. We need a little more of that right now, and every kid and parent who spreads joy to others can expect to be rewarded at Christmas, and every other day too. This year, that can include helping me help Simon.

HD: Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus. Any last words for the kids who will read this?

Santa Claus: You are going to write about the cookies, right?

HD: We will get that in, for sure.

Santa Claus: Then we are all good. Be sure to visit that GoFundMe account. Merry Christmas everyone!