Fort Bend Subsidence District Board of Directors met March 27

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Greg Wine, Chairman | Fort Bend Subsidence District Website

Fort Bend Subsidence District Board of Directors met March 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRESENT: John Dorman, Linda Harnist, Morris Mitchell, Allen Owen, C. Michael Scherer, Jon Strange, Lawrence Vaccaro, William Wallace, B. T. Williams, Greg Wine.

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ABSENT: Jay D. Anderson, J. M. Dinges, Melony Gay, Mark Gehringer, Camron Miller, Richard Morrison, and Stan Steele.

STAFF PRESENT: Michael Turco, Veronica Osegueda, Greg Ellis, Dylan Jones, Vivian Jones, Lizz Giglio, and Noe Veldanez.

PRESIDING: Greg Wine, Chairman.

A. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Wine called the regular meeting of the Board Directors to order at 3:00 PM and noted the presence of a quorum.

B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

C. ACCEPT COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Members of the public present were Charles Kalkomey with the City of Rosenberg, and Julia Frankovich with the North Fort Bend Waer Authority. Mr. Kalkomey wished all a Happy Easter. No other comments were made.

D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING, February 24, 2024. Mr. Strange moved that the minutes of the regular meeting be approved; it was seconded by Mr. Scherer. Chairman Wine put the question and, after the vote, announced the motion carried unanimously.

E. HEARING EXAMINERS REPORT. Ms. Osegueda presented the Hearing Examiner's Report from the March 7, 2024, Hearing. Ms. Harnist moved to approve the Hearing Examiner's Report from the March 7, 2024, Hearing; it was seconded by Mr. Vaccaro. Chairman Wine put the question and, after the vote, announced the motion carried unanimously.

F. EMERGENCY APPROVALS. Ms. Osegueda stated that an emergency permit approval was granted by the General Manager to Alsay Water Supply. Mr. Strange moved to ratify the action taken by the General Manager in granting the emergency permit approval to Alsay Water Supply; it was seconded by Mr. Wallace. Chairman Williams put the question and, after the vote, announced the motion carried unanimously.

G. BRIEFING FROM DISTRICT STAFF ON THE JOINT REGULATORY PLAN REVIEW. Mr. Turco updated the Board on the status of the Joint Regulatory Plan Review.

H. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT. Mr. Turco updated the Board on pertinent operational and management issues that the District, its employees, or consultants have encountered since the last regular Board meeting.

I. CONSULTATION WITH THE GENERAL COUNSEL ON RECENT LITIGATION AND GROUDWATER ISSUES. Mr. Ellis updated the Board on recent litigation and groundwater issues.

