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How tobacco harm reduction could save Texans' lives

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently sent a draft menthol ban rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for their consideration and feedback.


Harris County Commissioners to consider $40,000 per month for no-bid contract for 'executive protection services'

On tomorrow’s Commissioners Court agenda (Item No. 201) is a request from the Purchasing Department to approve a no-bid contract to XMi Protection, LLC for three months of “executive protection services for the Harris County Office of County Administration” at a cost of $121,000. 


County paid $885,000 on the vaccine contract after Hidalgo decided to cancel it

The more we learn about Harris County’s vaccine outreach contract, the more it stinks. 


Op-ed: Houston controller sounds alarm

Houston Controller Chris Brown sounded an alarm saying that the city’s structural imbalance in its budget is getting “much bigger, rather than smaller” and he was concerned about what could happen once federal relief dollars run out.


Increased oil exports will benefit Americans

Americans have recently become painfully aware of the international scope of oil markets.


Houston still facing financial hurdles

Houston finances have long been bad, but the city’s elected officials often try to brush over claims by saying that they pass balanced budgets.


Op-ed: County vaccine contract exposed as blatant bid-rigging

Last week, a copy of the application by the Texas Rangers for a warrant to search County records related to the now infamous vaccine outreach contract was made public.


Harris County elections administrator resigns as pressure builds

It took nearly 30 hours for the Harris County Elections Administrator Isabel Longoria to report full primary results after polls closed on Tuesday.


Harris County concealed missing votes for over 48 hours

The last thing we needed right now was a grossly incompetently run election and elected officials then dissembling about what happened.


Mayor launches One Safe Houston

In 2022, there have been more than 40 homicides in Houston already and with all things indicating it will get worse, Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the “One Safe Houston” program, a $44 million investment aimed at crime reduction.


Stay home – unless you are going to a Lina Hidalgo rally

It was only a month ago that County Judge Lina Hidalgo appeared before a sparsely attended press conference with her eyes barely visible above her mask to announce that she was returning the County to “Code Red” on its COVID threat system.


Op-ed: Absence of local 'leaders'

There's one thing you can count on in Houston when a horrendous act of violence occurs, our elected officials will find the nearest camera and microphone, dressed in shirts and jackets emblazoned with the city seal and their respective offices, and express their outrage.


Choices for our community

I read with interest Nicole Hensley and St. John Barned-Smith’s recent article in the Houston Chronicle, “Harris County jail under fire after 60-year-old guard allegedly raped by inmate.”


King: Houston's pension plan report results are 'jaw-dropping'

In the last few weeks, the City and two of its pension plans (Police & Fire) have issued their annual reports as of June 30 last year. The results are jaw-dropping.


A Christmas interview: Santa's special mission

The North Pole may be the busiest place in the world at this time of year.


King: CBO now says Build Back Better could increase national debt by $3 trillion

A few weeks ago, I shared with you that the Congressional Budget Office had estimated that the Democrats’ Build Back Better (BBB) bill would only increase the deficit over the next ten years by about $200 million.


The political posturing of Lina Hidalgo

With four candidates dueling it out in a Republican Primary to replace her and with rumors of a primary challenge, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is attempting to silence critics who have long criticized her over her lack of urgency to address Harris County’s burgeoning crime issue. This week, Hidalgo launched the Harris County Safe Program, a $2.6 million crime reduction initiative.


How much will the Build Back Better bill cost?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its estimate of the effect of the Democrats’ proposed “human infrastructure” bill, referred to as the Build Back Better legislation (BBB), on the federal deficit.


We get the government we deserve

Our two largest local institutions, Harris County and the City of Houston, are under investigation because of actions taken by the county judge and the mayor.


Texans will take a hit under the $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill

Human nature often leads us to believe we will not be harmed by events in faraway places. However, when it comes to the proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill in our nation’s capital, Texans should not succumb to this fallacy. If passed, the bill will adversely affect our state for years to come.